
Brocade VDX6740-48-F Switch、Version: 6.0.2、初期化済、動作確認済み、 周辺機器

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新品 28,500円 (税込)


管理番号 新品 :37983412 発売日 2024/04/06 定価 28,500円 型番 37983412

Brocade VDX6740-48-F Switch、Version: 6.0.2、初期化済、動作確認済み、 周辺機器

Brocade VDX6740-48-F Switch、Version: 6.0.2、初期化済、動作確認済み、
** Brocade VDX6740 S/N : CPL2525K0FZ** ID : admin PW : password*** Brocade VDX6940 S/N : CPL2524K084** ID: admin PW: password*
Network OS (sw0)

sw0 console login: admin

WARNING: The default password of "admin" and "user" accounts have not been changed.
Welcome to the Brocade Network Operating System Softwareadmin connected from using console on sw0sw0#sw0#sw0# show clockrbridge-id 1: 2021-05-10 06:35:51 Etc/GMT+0sw0#sw0#sw0# show chassis
Chassis Name: BR-VDX6740switchType: 131
FAN Unit: 1Time Awake: 0 days
FAN Unit: 2Time Awake: 0 days
POWER SUPPLY Unit: 1Factory Part Num: 23-1000043-01Factory Serial Num:Time Awake: 0 days
POWER SUPPLY Unit: 2Factory Part Num: 23-1000043-01Factory Serial Num:Time Awake: 0 days
CHASSIS/WWN Unit: 1Power Consume Factor: 0Factory Part Num: 40-1000927-06Factory Serial Num: CPL2524K084Manufacture: Day: 27 Month: 5 Year: 14Update: Day: 30 Month: 3 Year: 2021Time Alive: 1984 daysTime Awake: 0 days
Airflow direction : Port side INTAKE
sw0#sw0#sw0# show systemStack MAC : 50:eb:1a:1f:e3:56
-- UNIT 0 --Unit Name : sw0Switch Status : OnlineHardware Rev : 131.7TengigabitEthernet Port(s) : 48FortyGigabitEthernet Port(s) : 4Up Time : up 0:14Current Time : 06:36:10 GMTNOS Version : 4.1.2aJumbo Capable : yesBurned In MAC : 50:EB:1A:1F:E3:57Management IP : Port Status : UP
-- Power Supplies --PS1 is OKPS2 is OK
-- Fan Status --Fan 1 is Ok, speed is 2887 RPMFan 2 is Ok, speed is 2839 RPM
sw0#sw0#sw0# show version
Network Operating System SoftwareNetwork Operating System Version: 4.1.2Copyright (c) 1995-2014 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.Firmware name: 4.1.2aBuild Time: 21:12:00 Jul 7, 2014Install Time: 21:55:15 Jul 29, 2014Kernel:
BootProm: 1.0.1Control Processor: e500mc with 4096 MB of memory
Appl Primary/Secondary Versions------------------------------------------NOS 4.1.2a 4.1.2a
sw0#sw0#sw0# show vcsConfig Mode : Local-OnlyVCS Mode : Fabric ClusterVCS ID : 1Total Number of Nodes : 1Rbridge-Id WWN Management IP VCS Status Fabric Status HostName--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 >10:00:50:EB:1A:1F:E3:56* Online Online sw0sw0#sw0#sw0# show dpodrbridge-id: 1 48 10G ports are available in this switch 4 40G ports are available in this switch 10G Port Upgrade license is installed No 40G Port Upgrade license is installed Dynamic POD method is in use
48 10G port assignments are provisioned for use in this switch: 24 10G port assignments are provisioned by the base switch license 24 10G port assignments are provisioned by the 10G Port Upgrade license 0 10G ports are assigned to installed licenses: 0 10G ports are assigned to the base switch license 0 10G ports are assigned to the 10G Port Upgrade license 10G ports assigned to the base switch license: None 10G ports assigned to the 10G Port Upgrade license: None 10G ports not assigned to a license: 1/0/1, 1/0/2, 1/0/3, 1/0/4, 1/0/5, 1/0/6, 1/0/7, 1/0/8, 1/0/9, 1/0/10 1/0/11, 1/0/12, 1/0/13, 1/0/14, 1/0/15, 1/0/16, 1/0/17, 1/0/18, 1/0/19, 1/0/20 1/0/21, 1/0/22, 1/0/23, 1/0/24, 1/0/25, 1/0/26, 1/0/27, 1/0/28, 1/0/29, 1/0/30 1/0/31, 1/0/32, 1/0/33, 1/0/34, 1/0/35, 1/0/36, 1/0/37, 1/0/38, 1/0/39, 1/0/40 1/0/41, 1/0/42, 1/0/43, 1/0/44, 1/0/45, 1/0/46, 1/0/47, 1/0/48 48 license reservations are still available for use by unassigned ports
0 40G port assignments are provisioned for use in this switch: 0 40G port assignments are provisioned by the base switch license 0 40G ports are assigned to installed licenses: 0 40G ports are assigned to the base switch license 40G ports assigned to the base switch license: None 40G ports assigned to the 40G Port Upgrade license: None 40G ports not assigned to a license: 1/0/49, 1/0/50, 1/0/51, 1/0/52 0 license reservations are still available for use by unassigned ports
sw0#sw0#sw0# show license
rbridge-id: 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10G Port Upgrade license Feature name:PORT_10G_UPGRADE License is valid Capacity: 24sw0#
■ 保証期間: ノークレームノーリターンでお願いします。■




